So, Ethan officially turned 3 months old at the beginning of this week and one gift that the Gods bestowed upon him was his first cold. Huzzah! The poor little guy is sneezing and congested, but he is already learning some very good values, such as sharing. Now, Mommy and Daddy are sick, too!
Ethan picked out a really cute elephant humidifier for his room while we were at Target today. They had a cute red dragon one that I fell in love with, but Ethan wants what he wants. It was a tie between the elephant and the frog.
We also had some 3-month pictures done at Sears this past Tuesday and spent too much on pictures, but... What are you going to do, right? My Mom was with me and said, "He is only three months old now and there are more pictures for the future," as a way of cautioning me not to spend so much and get so many.... but I took from that utterance that he will only be this age once, so I used that as mental justification for the cost.
He has been sleeping through the night since Spring began (another gift from the Gods!) and that has been a blessing. His crying is also so much better... It is nice to see him have a good time and be happy.