Jeez... the last post was August 4th... What gives with the slacker Mommy?
Today was a trying day so far. It is only 12.30pm, mind you.
I have started keeping a bowl of clean de-stemmed red grapes in the fridge for Ethan. Anytime the fridge is open and he wants to grab some, he can and does. Well, this morning when I opened the door to get his milk, he tried to slide in and grab some grapes, but there weren't many left, and I wanted them to be available for his breakfast instead. So, I said "No."
Now, I guess in some strange way, I expected him to understand my reasoning. Save these last grapes for later. Who am I kidding? All I can say in my defense is it was early and it sounded reasonable to
To Ethan, not so. He hollered and cried big, fat tears. He threw himself onto the ground. Mega Tantrum-style. He babbled incoherently about the grand injustice of being denied his right to grapes.
I know it will get old at one point. I know I will get fed up with the tantrums. But it is still at the point where he is SO adorable... I can't help but smile and think I should run and grab the camcorder to preserve this for future generations. Or at least to show his future love interests for my amusement.
He did get over it, but decided he did not want to sit in my lap while drinking his milk. He did not want me to hold the bottle for him. He is a big boy now and can do it himself (while stabbing me in the heart, nonetheless).
Later, I decided to take him to our very first Lapsit at the public library for kids 3 and under. There were many kids there. He did not know what to think at first, but as we sang songs and had books read to us, things were going well.
Ever concerned about everyone, Ethan was handing out books to people who did not have them. That was cute, right? It was until he started getting very excited and throwing them. Then he did not want to sit in my lap.
The best part was the end... when the woman brought out the bubble machine. She was like the Baby Pied Piper... I am convinced those kids would have followed her ANYWHERE. Who needs candy to lure kids? Just buy a bottle of bubbles and you are set. You could see it in all the kids' eyes: "Mommy
It was pretty adorable and it was great to see a bunch of zombie babies and toddlers trying to catch the bubbles.
One more mini-meltdown for Ethan after leaving and walking into the house (just who do I think I am anyway, trying to stop him from dragging a large bucket and snow brush into the house?!) and probably the MILLIONTH mini-meltdown for Mommy... and I was happy to see naptime come.