Sunday, December 14, 2008

New blog for me!

So I seem to be in a state of flux as to which blog site I want to use. I have MySpace and Facebook accounts, but honestly, I feel like lately I am getting too old to use them, especially for blogging. All I ever seem to see are "youngins" blogging on those.

I even have an old Blogger account, but I let that lapse and I guess I am looking for a fresh start to match my new role in life and a new year coming up. Plus, hopefully everyone who has this URL will be able to view updates, unlike other sites where you have to be logged in to read things.

I am sitting here awake (again!) at 6.02am, Sunday morning. I keep waking up around 3 or 4 am for the past few nights and find it hard (and uncomfortable!) to return to sleep.

I keep having the same nightmare over and over again that I go to let my dog, Sophia, outside and there are deer across the courtyard feeding at a neighbor's bird feeder (which we totally have experienced). I have these dreams where I am yelling for Sophia to get back in the house because I just know that the deer will kick her in the head or otherwise hurt/maim her. The dream that woke me up this morning also included two of my cats (Stella and Isis) sneaking out and not listening when I tried to get them to come in.

Conclusion to these stupid nightmares? Obviously, I must feel like my life is slipping out of my control. That is not unfathomable especially given the fact that I am now both unemployed and due in a couple of weeks. Both things are life-altering events on their own, but tossed in together and it makes for a foundation that does not feel to firm beneath my feet.

I have faith that everything will be fine, and I think I can see that fact coming to light in the dreams as I am trying to regain control by attempting to corral my furkids from the dangers of the wild. =)

Still... this is enough to keep me up at night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am the first one to comment on your new blog. Yahoo! I understand what you mean by the dreams. I still look at the pictures of Ethan and think to myself how strange it is to know that you are going to have a son soon. I would probably feel the same about the job situation, but at the same time a bit happy that I would not have to work for awhile. Even though I have to pay my bills, I would love to not have to work.
    I know you will be fine in time. At first it is going to be one of the most challenging times in your life. You can do it though, I know you can. It will come quite naturally and you will be amazed at how much you know already and not have had contact with a baby. You will be fine.

    I also have thought recently to switching back to Blogger thing here. I am tired of Myspace for teh reason that it is unpredictable and has so much spyware and garbage on it. We are growing up. lol.
