These are the infamous little "twinkle toes" that I felt throughout the pregnancy. His feet are so tiny and delicate and precious.
In other news...
We are dealing with a lot of crying and fussiness issues with Ethan, so I have been out of contact more than I would like. The days and nights seem to be literally filled with crying (Ethan's, not mine!... Well... sometimes mine!) and it can be very overwhelming. I feel so bad for my little guy and I feel so helpless to do anything when he gets that way. We have tried so many different things, but nothing seems to work. It looks to me like we will just have to become deaf to his constant screaming until he finally grows out of it.
We are working with the pediatrician to see what the problem could be. We are on our third formula (soy finally... he smells like potatoes... lol). We are unsure if this is a formula issue with a sensitivity to milk or if this is acid reflux or (gulp!) colic. All I know is that I want to be able to help Ethan deal with whatever he is trying to deal with, but I feel helpless to do much of anything and it just breaks my heart completely when he won't be consoled.
I try to focus on the positives. This AMAZING little man was created by Rob and me. I "cooked" him for almost nine complete months. =) He is an absolute blessing, even when he is crying, and I am so grateful that he is in my life and so grateful that I have been so blessed with him.
There are some things in the postpartum that haven't gone as planned (breastfeeding, the inconsolable crying, etc.) and sometimes I feel like a failure about certain things. I know these feelings are normal, but they are so hard to deal with sometimes. I keep my husband's words in mind when I get to feeling that way: "You aren't a failure... Look at what you made."
My new mantras are:
1. "One Day at a Time"
2. "This, too, shall pass"
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