This is Ethan inserting his toy elephant into his mouth. Mmm... Elephant tastes like... chicken?
See? This picture above is proof positive that I am not the only one who loves Ethan's little piggies. He is quite taken with them as well. Quite.
~~~~~~~~~ (Insert general update now!) ~~~~~~~~~ =)
Goodness... has it really been THAT long since I last posted anything on this blog? Being a Mommy certainly is all-consuming! I don't know how some people manage, especially anyone with more than one child. What is your secret anyway?
Ethan is coming up to his 6-month birthday on June 30th. Time to schedule a round of pictures. He will also have to go to the pediatrician for his favorite activity... SHOTS! And guess what? Silly Mommy was not using the half of a brain she actually has left and scheduled shots for the day before the Fourth of July... He has been crabby and tired for a day or two following his previous shots. Ugh. Hopefully this time will somehow be magically different. I can hope, right?
He can sit unassisted for a few moments and loves... LOVES... to stand. He doesn't need much support, either. He has recently started getting on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. Oh my gosh... he could start crawling any day now. My little boy!!! Where does the time go? Didn't I just give birth to him???
He is also a charmer, too. He absolutely melts all the ladies with that winsome smile and huge eyes of his. Future Ladykiller... I just know it.
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