Benjamin was born at 11.14am and weighed in at 6#10oz and was 20" long.
His little brother, Alexander, was born at 11.15a and weighed in at 6#14 oz and was 19.5" long
I am 35 weeks and 2 days today, so everyone was very happy about the sizes!
I was having contractions during my non stress test this morning. I think they were only the braxton hicks ones, but my perinatologist did the ultrasound afterwards and said, "ok, since you are having contractions, we are sending you to L & D." They called my OB and told me that they were either going to continue monitoring and give me fluids OR the babies would be born today. When I got to L & D, they moved me from an exam room to a real room, so I had a feeling... Sure enough, every nurse that entered my room was saying, "so I hear we are having babies today!"
I guess they were concerned that if the contractions got strong enough, it *might* rip open the scar on the uterus from the first c-section, so why take any chances since they are a good gestational age.
I was by myself while all this news was being thrown at me and so shocked/scared/unprepared. Rob, my Mom, and mother in law managed to get here before I was taken to the OR, so that was good. It all happened SO fast that I almost think it was a dream, you know?
They have me sitting up in the rocking chair at the moment and I am on some good pain meds. I am tired, but still wired from the excitement of it all.
Benjamin is now off the ventilator and both boys (I believe!) are still getting a low dose of oxygen through the nasal tube thing. They have IVs in their belly button/umbilical cord area to get blood from and to feed them sugar water as their veins were still too immature to attempt to put in an IV anywhere else. When they were born, they both had the same blood sugar level, which I take it from the nurses' reactions that was an odd thing... They were both 31 and needed to be 50 or over, but they rebounded alot faster than Ethan did with that issue, and now are both in the 70s, which is really good.
I have not been able to go to the NICU yet to see them myself, so I only got to see them while I was in the OR and now through pictures. Hopefully tomorrow... =)
I do not know yet how long they will have to be in the NICU... I will, of course, update with more information as I get it!
I am SOOOOOOO excited and am feeling really, really good at the moment. I think this is the best I have physically felt in a few months. Of course after the drugs wear off... Lol~
Congrats Momma!
ReplyDeletecongrats. They are gorgeous!