Saturday, June 19, 2010

First Haircut!

Today, Grandma and I took Ethan to KidSnips in Naperville for his first haircut.

He was scared and cried, but sat in Mommy's lap during the haircut. It was SO hard on Mommy to see the transformation from my "baby" to my "little man," but he still looks super adorable, only less slightly hippy-ish.

Here is a before from this morning:

And during (poor baby!):

And the end result:

"Hello, Ladies..."

The next stop will be the cover of Baby GQ...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

32 weeks and counting...

I am officially at the 32 week mark for this twin pregnancy.

It really seems to have flown by all too quickly.

My OB said that if I go into labor before 34 weeks, they will do everything they can to stop it, but after 34 weeks, they will proceed with delivery.

It feels surreal to me to think that in as little as 2 weeks or as much as 7 weeks (for my scheduled 39 week c-section), I will have Benjamin and Alexander.

I have known I was carrying twins since before Christmas, but I find I am still in disbelief over that fact. I would like to think that by now I would have come to grips with it, but I find I am still having trouble wrapping my brain around this.

Of course, the thought of preterm labor really frightens me. Every little twinge of pain or anything that seems odd has me running through my mental list of preterm labor symptoms. I then clear my mind and sort of hold my breath as if I am going to get some official, "IT'S TIME!!!!" message from my body. Lol~

The pain and discomfort is getting even worse than I thought it could. I am fairly certain it will continue to get worse from here on out. I have such a hard time walking even! I am certain it is a comical sight to see me attempting to get up out of bed or from a seated position. And the times that I actually do get down on the floor to play with Ethan? I am grateful that I have been able to still get up each and every time.

The one thing I forgot about from my first (singleton) pregnancy? Not realizing how far my belly sticks out. My OB told me I am measuring past the 40 week mark and not looking back! Lol...

Despite the fact that this has been going on for several weeks now, I still am momentarily perplexed when I open doors and they hit my stomach; I thought for certain that I left enough room for clearance~!

The kicker was what happened last night... I put my full cup of ice water on the foot board of my bed, which makes that at belly height... and I turned to reach for the phone and knocked water down everywhere. hahaha....

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Blog Address and Direction!

I have been hemming and hawing over a new blog that would incorporate many different things in my life as it is now. I currently have one blog for my son, Ethan. I also have another personal blog (since way before Ethan!) that I have long since given up on updating.

With the new changes on the horizon (such as the impending arrival of twins!), I wanted to have a blog that could be an all encompassing one... I want to be able to update about my children, my family, my life, and my thoughts or other things that are going on in my life and the world around me.

I imported my posts to this location as I do not want to lose that to the dead space in the internet.

Hopefully, I will find the time to update this regularly!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New Accomplishments for June!

Well, Ethan has been off to a busy start this month!

He is working on his artistic abilities by drawing on...

- Walls
- His baby dolls' heads and faces
- Paper pad
- Coloring Book
- Toys

Guess which of the above are the only two genuine "accepted" drawing outlets for a young tot in the Green household?
Yeah... you got it.

In addition to expanding his artistic abilities, Ethan is also working on his vocalization. In May, he said "Mama" and "No," (and no, not together, thank you!), however he really does not feel like repeating himself. He must think I am so dense when I keep asking him, "Who am I? Who am I? Am I 'Mama?'" Lol~

He loves doing his ear-splitting high pitch screaming. My guess is he is trying to communicate with his brothers in utero. I have no idea what message he is trying to relay, but I am thinking it is something along the lines of, "I can't wait to draw on you two when you get out!!!"

He has mastered the fine art of opening and closing the doors in our house, thanks to our usage of levers instead of round knobs as door handles. Guess which Grandma was surprised yesterday when she was in the bathroom...

He also started holding his index finger up now when you ask him how old he is. He doesn't do it every single time, though. I guess he decided that he had better start keeping track of the important stuff like his age and all, given his Mommy's lack of identity retention. Sheesh. He does have to grow up fast, doesn't he?

Ethan is busy working on his gymnastic skills as well. He loves attempting a head stand. He hasn't quite gotten the idea that the legs need to go straight in the air, but soon enough he will be proficient at it and giving Mommy all sorts of scares...

Finally, Ethan is working on his mad dance skills because all the ladies love a dancer.

What a busy 17-month old... and the month is JUST getting started!